Thursday, July 19, 2012

The pot calling the kettle black

Do our politicians really think we're dumb enough to believe our current political / economic mess is ALL the result of "the OTHER" party?  I've done a lot of research on the housing bubble that imploded in 2008 and put us in our current mess and here's what I found:  The whole sordid affair began in about 1993 when Congress, the President, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and a few others began the National Homeownership Initiative.  

During the years since then Democrats occupied the White House for 11 years, the Republicans for 8.  Democrats and Republicans evenly split control of the Senate, 5 terms each, and Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives for 6 of 10 terms.  I would pretty much call that a draw.

For either party to claim sainthood, to say with a straight face that if we will trust them with all the reigns of power a bright future will be ours, is disingenuous in the extreme.  Both parties have had ample opportunity to do the right thing for the American people, but instead were all-consumed with extorting campaign contributions and preserving their power

Congress, mainly the Republicans, want to scale back government spending. argument from me.  Except they conveniently fail to mention this will put millions of people out of work.  Oops!  All while they point a finger and jump up and down on their soap box asking what the Democrat's plan is to reduce unemployment?  Huh?  Fess up can't have it both ways!

Are any of you buying the load of crap both parties are selling this election year?  If you are, then let me introduce myself:  I'm a wealthy Nigerian prince, and I need your help!



  1. Not for one minute. The republicans have been in office many times and never reduced spending, actually increased spending. they're mad because the government is spending too much, they're mad because they aren't currently holding the purse strings. democrat politicians aren't much better but at least they aren't controlled by religious extremists.

  2. Hmmm Ellen..Religious extremists, unions, big buisiness, teachers, Athiests.....everyone is trying the control thing, glad you are able to wrap the GOP into one neat package. What is a Religious Extremist? Orthadox Jews, Catholics, Muslims and Saria law, Scientologists, Born Again, Mormons...maybe anyone who believes differant from a non-extremist?

  3. Both parties have their special interests. They are the "cash cows" of politics, which is the root problem. They tell us what we want to hear every election year, then pretty much tune us out after that. I still say we need a new third party without strings to any special interests. (Wonder how long they could stay un-corrupted? Power is very addicting.)

  4. I had no idea that all this time I've been communicating with royalty.

  5. Steve...if you've been having a true 2-way conversation with your elected representatives, then I'm happy for you. However I suspect you're in the minority. It's pretty hard to get your voice heard over a $10,000 or $50,000 donor. IMO somewhere along the way the system became very corrupted. Both parties seem more interested in poking the other in the eye than looking after us.
