Monday, July 16, 2012

Men vs. Women; which is smarter? er...more smart?

I just heard on the news of a definitive study that shows women are smarter than men.  True story.  Does this really surprise anyone?  It should have been obvious as far back as prehistoric times when woman said to man, "There's a big 'ol dinosaur out there in the yard stomping all over my garden.  Be a doll and go out there and shoo it away.  Pleeeeeease?"  Meanwhile she stayed back in the cave baking cookies.


Flash forward to 1492.  Christopher Columbus sets out from Spain to find a shorter route to the riches of China and the Orient.  Instead he landed in what we know today to be the Dominican Republic.

Chris....THIS is China.

This is NOT China.



  1. Very funny, even though I've seen better pictures of the Dominican Republic. I've always believed that women were smarter then men, smarter than me anyway.

  2. In spite of tradition, women are the more dominant and becoming more so every day. Which is generally appreciate.

  3. That is to say: "Which I generally appreciate."

  4. just imagine how much further along we'd be as a species if men hadn't been repressing women and their voices for 5,000 years.
